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Regrat razstruplja telo

Kot smo povedali že v uvodu, je najbolj znan učinek regrata spodbujanje odvajanja vode. Raziskave na živalih so za zdaj potrdile diuretične sposobnosti regrata.
Učinkuje na žolčnik in jetra, spodbuja nastanek ter izločanje žolča, kar pomaga pri razstrupljanju in čiščenju telesa. Zaradi razstrupljevalnega učinka naj bi regrat ugodno vplival tudi na kožo in na nekatere revmatične težave.
Ker regrat spodbudi jetrne sposobnosti za odstranjevanje odvečnega estrogena iz telesa, naj bi pomagal ženskam, ki jih mučijo tovrstne zdravstvene težave (endometrioza, ciklične bolečine v dojkah), povrniti hormonsko ravnovesje.
Regratova korenina deluje kot blago odvajalo, zato si lahko kot ne premočno zdravilo proti zaprtju pripravimo regratov čaj.
Rastlina tudi poveča telesne sposobnosti za vsrkavanje železa, bodisi iz hrane bodisi iz prehranskih dopolnil, zato je v nekaterih primerih koristna pri slabokrvnosti.
Starejše raziskave nakazujejo, da bi utegnil biti regrat koristen tudi pri zdravljenju raka. Japonci so patentirali suho zamrznjeni izvleček regratove korenine, s katerim zdravijo tumorje. Kitajci pa regratove izvlečke uporabljajo za zdravljenje raka dojk (ta pristop so potrdili pozitivni izidi študij na živalih). A za dokaz učinkovitosti pri različnih vrstah raka bi bile seveda potrebne nadaljnje raziskav in klinične študije.
Z raziskavami na živalih so leta 2001 ugotovili, da zeliščni pripravek, ki vsebuje regrat, pomaga pri zniževanju krvnega sladkorja in bi torej utegnil koristiti pri zdravljenju sladkorne bolezni.

Učinki regrata

Uživanje regrata ima številne zdravju ugodne učinke. Listi vsebujejo fruktozo, inulin, grenčino, fenolno kislino in sterole, pa tudi flavonoide, kalijeve soli in kumarine. Korenine imajo enako vsebino kot listi, z izjemo zadnjih treh sestavin. Regrat vsebuje tudi vitamine A, B in C, veliko kalija in drugih mineralov. Holin v regratu vpliva na presnavljanje maščob in delovanje živčevja. Tako listi kot tudi korenina imajo po zaslugi vsebnosti grenčine diuretične lastnosti. Uživanje enih ali drugih je zato koristno pri zastajanju vode v telesu, motnjah v delovanju ledvic in težavah z mehurjem. Regratovi pripravki – po zaslugi delovanja snovi na jetra in žolč – pospešujejo raztapljanje žolčnih kamnov. V skladu z rezultati raziskav iz leta 2001 bi regrat v prehrani lahko koristil sladkornim bolnikom. Na živalih opravljena testiranja so namreč dokazala, da se pri živalih, ki uživajo regrat, raven sladkorja v krvi znatno znižala. Z naravnimi regratovimi pripravki zeliščarji učinkovito blažijo težave revmatičnih bolnikov. Regratovo blagodejno učinkovanje na jetra in krepitev jetrnih funkcij posredno deluje tudi na težave, ki jih povzroča previsoka raven estrogena v telesu. Dobro ga je uživati pri endometriozi in cikličnih bolečinah v dojkah, saj pomaga odstranjevati odvečni estrogen iz telesa.
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Maslačak – besplatna ljekovita hrana iz vašeg dvorišta

Mnogi od nas kao djeca otpuhivali su sjemenje ovog cvijeta na sve četiri strane svijeta.

Popularnom maslačku latinski je naziv Taraxacum officinale, a potječe iz Europe i sjeverne Azije.

Tijekom stoljeća nadjenuta su mu mnoga imena; gorko zelje, konjska žućenica, popovo gumance, mliječnjak, radič, regrat, talijanska salata i drugo.

Maslačak je jeftin i pristupačan lijek i hrana, a sada je idealno vrijeme za berbu, jer mu je počela sezona.
regrat koren

Ljekovitost maslačka

Lišće maslačka po vitaminskom bogatstvu nadmašuje čak špinat i rajčicu.

Sadrži vitamine A, B2, C, D i G, te minerale kalij, natrij, kalcij, fosfor i željezo.

Kao moćan diuretik, blagotvoran je za bubrege i mokraćne organe.

Osim što ima diuretska svojstva, potiče stvaranje žuči, čisti jetru, pomaže kod alergija i smanjuje kolesterol.

Zbog brojnih hranjivih tvari koje sadrži, lišće maslačka preporučuje se kao dodatak prehrani za trudnice i žene u postmenopauzi.

Maslačak je općenito povoljan za ženska oboljenja, a osobito za sprečavanje i liječenje bolesti dojki, cista, karcinoma, otečenosti i kod problema s dojenjem.

Čaj od korijena maslačka

Korijen maslačka moćan je lijek za jetru i želudac.

Šest šalica čaja od korijena maslačka dnevno navodno mogu izliječiti hepatitis u roku od dva tjedna.

Fitoterapija s ovim čajem liječi svakovrsne tegobe. Preporučuje se kod probavnih tegoba, nedovoljnog lučenja žuči, visokog tlaka i manjka apetita.

Kava od korijenja maslačka

Iskopajte korijenje u proljeće, operite ga, razrežite i ispržite u pećnici. Sameljite ga u mlincu za kavu. Pripremajte ga samostalno poput kave ili kao dodatak jutarnjoj kavi.
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Čaj od korijenja i lišća maslačka

Stavite šaku svježeg korijena i/ili lišća maslačka na litru vruće vode. Procijedite nakon deset minuta.

Pijte 3 šalice dnevno.


Čisti jetra, pomaga pri alergijah, znižuje holesterol in se priporoča kot prehransko dopolnilo za nosečnice in ženske, pri ženskah po menopavzi.
V začetku aprila je idealen čas za obiranje regrata. Vsi deli regrata so užitni in zdravilni. Iz njega lahko pripravimo solato, sirup, čaj…

Priprava sirupa:
Naberite 400 rumenih cvetov regrata. Prelijemo s 3 litre hladne vode in položite rezine 4 limone in 4 pomaranče.Pustimo stati 24 ur. Nato precedimo skozi gazo, da ne ostanejo drobtine in prelijemo tekočino v lonec. Dodamo 2 kg sladkorja in občasno premešamo, kuhamo približno eno uro in pol po tem, ko tekočina zavre. Morali bi dobiti gost sirup.
Prelijemo vroč sirup, v vroče kozarce, ki ste jih prej sterilizirali. Zaprite kozarce. To je odlično za odpravljanje simptomov prehlada, kašlja, bronhitisa …Pijte ga na žličko.
Priprava čaja:
Naberite cvetje in jih posušite. Iz posušenih cvetov lahko vedno pripravite svež napitek. Lahko dodate tudi med, ki bo še dodatno obogatil zdravilne lastnosti čaja, vendar ne pozabite, da meda nikoli ne dajajte v vroč čaj, niti s kovinsko žlico. Uporabite leseno ali plastično.

Regratova korenina zdravi raka
Da je ta rastlina tako zdravilna, so ne tako dolgo nazaj odkrili znanstveniki, ki so poročali, da koren regrata lahko ozdravi raka. Če želimo ohraniti koren regrata, mora biti suh. Pred sušenjem je treba korenine skrbno narezati na enake majhne koščke. Koren sušimo na svežem zraku.
Sušimo v hladnem in suhem prostoru z dobrim pretokom zraka. Koren sušimo v obdobju 3-14 dni, oz tako dolgo, dokler ne postane krhek. Suh regrat shranjujemo v kozarcih in v temnem prostoru
Regratova korenina čisti jetra, mehur, ledvice in limfo.
Ta koren se uporablja za zdravljenje številnih bolezni, kot so zaprtje, čisti kožo aken, zdravi artritis, revmatizem, hepatitis, žolčne kamne …
Koren regrata je zelo dober za bolezni žensk, zlasti pri preprečevanju in zdravljenju različnih bolezni dojk, kot ciste, rak, raznih tumorjev in težave z dojenjem.
Recept: Zmešajte 30 gramov posušenih regratovih korenin z 60 gramov sveže mešanice, jih pokapajte z 2,5 dcl vode, ki ji dodamo ščepec soli. Pustite, da tekočina zavre, pokrijemo posodo in pustimo vreti 20 minut. Po kuhanju odcedimo vsebino in popijemo tri skodelice na dan.
Čaj, narejen iz korenin regrata:
Iz suhih korenin enostavno skuhate čaj. Na dan popijte pol čajne žličke s kozarcem vode.


Proven Benefits of Dandelion Root, Dandelion Tea and Dandelion Greens (Evidence Based)

The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is an edible herb that is used as a medicinal plant to address a number of health issues. Every part of the dandelion plant has health benefits. Dandelion root, dandelion greens, and dandelion flowers can all be used to make health-enhancing dandelion tea. You can use dandelion root tea for reducing high blood pressure, treat diabetes, to pass more urine, improve liver function, and as a blood tonic.

There are several types of dandelion drinks that have health benefits. Roasted dandelion root is made into a delicious caffeine-free coffee alternative or can be used to make dandelion tea. You can also use dandelion leaves to create dandelion tea to improve your digestive health, lower cholesterol, and even lose weight.
You can also use dandelion greens (leaves) in tasty salads.

Far from being a pesky weed that ruins the look of your lawn, dandelion has many health benefits.

In this article, you will learn about the many reasons to use the roots and leaves of dandelion. You will also get some great recipes to make your own health-boosting dandelion tea at home.
You can also use dandelion greens (leaves) in tasty salads.

What is Dandelion Root?
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a perennial herb that grows in most regions of the world. The dandelion plant consists of a long fibrous root, a stem, flowers, and leaves. All parts of the dandelion are edible and have many health benefits.
Scientific research backs up many of the traditional medicinal uses for dandelion root. For example, the roots of dandelion contain large amounts of inulin that promote good digestive health and help prevent obesity. Dandelion root is also good to take if you have osteoporosis and it also has anticancer properties.
Roasting dandelion root and grinding it into a powder creates “dandelion coffee” – a good coffee alternative without any of its side effects.

Studies have also shown that many of the health benefits of dandelion root come from its high levels of antioxidants. Extracts from both dandelion leaf and the root have free radical scavenging activity that helps prevent DNA cell damage.
Dandelion Root is a Natural Diuretic
One of the traditional uses of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is helping to prevent water retention and making you pee more.

One study found that taking 8 mL of dandelion leaf extract three times a day can help to increase urinary frequency.
While the dandelion leaf tea is commonly used as a diuretic, dandelion root may also help to increase urinary output. Research has shown that both dandelion root and leaf contain similar amounts of potassium. In general, the high levels of potassium are thought to stimulate urination.
Dandelion Root May Lower Blood Pressure
One of the ways that dandelion extracts can benefit your heart health is by helping to manage hypertension.

Diuretics are sometimes used in the treatment of high blood pressure. The Mayo Clinic says that diuretics help to flush sodium and excess water from your body.
The diuretic effect of the dandelion root may have a positive effect on your blood pressure.

Other studies have found that dandelion roots can help to lower cholesterol levels which can then have a positive effect in reducing high blood pressure.
Dandelion Root May Protect Your Skin from Damage
Although research is limited, dandelion root extracts may help protect your skin from damage caused by UV sun damage.

A 2015 study found that dandelion extracts can protect human dermal fibroblasts from damage. In the study, dandelion leaf and flower extracts offered better skin protection than dandelion root extracts.
ab experiments have found that extracts from dandelion roots may be useful in treating skin cancer without damaging healthy cells.
Before using any kind of dandelion extract on your skin, it’s important to do a small skin patch test, as dandelion can cause allergic skin reactions in some people.

Dandelion Root is Good to Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes
All parts of the dandelion plant are beneficial for helping to control the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

In fact, dandelion is so good for managing diabetes that researchers have called it a key anti-diabetic herb.
What makes dandelion root an effective remedy for some diabetic symptoms? Dandelion root contains anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, some of which are strong anti-diabetic agents. Dandelion extracts also benefit diabetics because they help regulate blood glucose, insulin, and lower cholesterol

Dandelion Root Extracts Promote Good Liver Health
Dandelion root tea is a good therapeutic drink because it helps keep the liver healthy.

The reason why dandelion root protects your liver is that it contains compounds that benefit liver function. One study involving mice found that polysaccharides in dandelion root help to purify and protect the liver. Dandelion root has potential as a functional food to prevent liver injury.
Other lab experiments have shown that compounds in dandelion root helped to prevent liver scarring and may even help regenerate liver cells.

Dandelion Root has Anticancer Properties
One of the promising uses of dandelion root as a medicinal herb is its potential use in treating cancer.

Research into root extracts from dandelion has shown that they contain compounds that can kill off cancer cells. One study found that dandelion root extract can help prevent cancer cells from spreading, especially in cases of liver cancer
A 2016 study found that dandelion root compounds have an anticancer effect on malignant colon cancer cells
Other laboratory studies have found that dandelion extracts have anti-inflammatory activity in certain cancer cells.

What is Dandelion Tea or Dandelion Root Tea?
Dandelion tea is a hot water herbal infusion using the dandelion root, leaves or flowers. You can make dandelion tea from fresh leaves steeped in hot water.

Some people also make dandelion root tea by chopping up the roots and letting it infuse in simmering water for 20 minutes.

Another dandelion root drink is dandelion coffee. This healthy beverage is made by drying, roasting, and grinding the dandelion root into a powder. This type of dandelion root “tea” has a similar taste to coffee, but contains no caffeine.

Benefits of Dandelion Leaf Tea or Dandelion Root Tea
What is dandelion tea good for? Let’s look briefly at the many benefits of regularly consuming tea made from dandelion leaves or roots.

1. Helps to lower cholesterol. Dandelion tea is a good cholesterol-lowering remedy. Both dandelion leaf tea and dandelion root tea help lower cholesterol and increase antioxidants in the body.
2. Can protect your liver health. As already mentioned, dandelion root tea has been used for centuries as a liver tonic to boost liver health and function. Dandelion root also helps to prevent damage to the liver caused by alcohol.
3. Lower inflammatory markers. Dandelion tea has an anti-inflammatory effect and may help protect against certain chronic inflammatory diseases.
4. May help you lose weight. Drinking dandelion tea may help you shed extra pounds quicker when you are on a diet. One lab study found that dandelion compounds have a similar effect to a popular weight-loss drug. Ingesting dandelion helps to break down fat.
5. Benefits to your digestion. Having a daily cup of dandelion root tea can boost your digestion as it encourages the growth of healthy gut bacteria. Other studies have shown that dandelion tea has a positive effect on your digestive processes.
Immune system booster. Regular consumption of dandelion tea may help to strengthen your immunity because dandelion contains vitamins A, C, D, E, and B. Some studies have also shown that dandelion extracts have antiviral activity and may reduce the severity of influenza infections.
7. Promotes good cardiovascular health. Dandelion tea can be good for your heart as it contains antioxidants, helps lower cholesterol, and can help prevent obesity.
8. Helps protect your skin. Using dandelion tea as a skin tonic could help improve your skin’s health and prevent damage by UV rays.
9. Dandelion root tea for type 2 diabetics. One medical study found that consumption of 5 g of dandelion leaf and root powder for nine days significantly reduced the fasting blood glucose levels of of type two diabetic patients.
10. Dandelion root tea is a great coffee substitute. One great reason to drink dandelion root tea is that it is a good caffeine-free coffee alternative. Many people say that the taste of dandelion root tea is similar to coffee.

How to Make Dandelion Tea
It is very easy to make your own health-enhancing dandelion tea from the fresh or dried leaves or blossoms.

Here are some ideas on how to prepare your own dandelion tea:

Fresh dandelion leaf tea. Cut 6 fresh dandelion leaves into small pieces, put them in a cup, fill with boiling water, cover with a lid and allow to infuse for 10 minutes.

Dandelion root tea. Put a tablespoon of chopped dandelion root in a cup of boiling water, cover, and let to steep for 20 minutes. Strain and enjoy your healthy dandelion root tea.

Dandelion tea from dried leaves. In a pan, put 2 teaspoons of dried dandelion leaves and 2 cups of water. Bring to the boil, cover, and then simmer for 10 minutes. Allow the dandelion tea remedy to cool slightly. Strain into a cup and consume.

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